COLLOQUIUM: Ralph Hexter, UC Davis, "Two Cities"

Friday, September 14, 2018 - 4:30pm

Kleinman Center for Energy Policy, Fisher Fine Arts Building Rm 401, 220 S. 34th St., Philadelphia, PA 19104


What can Greek and Latin literature of antiquity teach us at a moment when our entire world, or at least our polity, seems to be breaking apart? Or to sound a less apocalyptic note, when many of the principles and values that we thought were shared broadly are being called into question and attacked? Clearly, what appeared “universal” is anything but. The ancient world experienced cataclysmic change on multiple occasions, when one world order was seen to crumble while another took its place. In this talk I will draw on a few texts that I have found offer illumination on both earlier historical moments and on our own.