Teaching Requirement

All candidates for the Ph.D are required to teach for at least two semesters under the supervision of the Graduate Group. In practice, students normally teach four semesters, during the second and third years of the program.

A typical teaching sequence in the second year is Elementary Latin (LATN 0100, 0200) or Intermediate Latin (LATN 0300, 0400). In the third year, students teach in such courses as: CLST 1500 Greek and Roman Myth; CLST 1701 Scandalous Arts in Ancient and Modern Societies; ANCH 0101 Ancient Greece; ANCH 0102 Ancient Rome; CLST 5901 Postbaccalaureate Greek; CLST 5902 Postbaccalaureate Latin.

There are also opportunities for interested students to teach intensive Greek and Latin courses during summer sessions, though this is not a required part of the program.

First-time teachers are required to participate in the Center for Teaching and Learning's orientation prior to the beginning of classes in the fall, and are encouraged to take advantage of other CTL resources and workshops.

First-time language teachers are also required to enroll in the Language Pedagogy Workshop (CLST 8000) for the fall semester (see Coursework Requirement).