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A chartographic representation of the Roman world; now at Vienna. It is a copy of a map of the 3rd century A.D. (See also ITINERARIA.)
The Roman term for (1) compendious lists of the names and distances of the different stations on the public roads, after the manner of our road-books (itineraria adnotata or scripta); or (2) chartographic representations similar to our travelling maps (itineraria picta). Of the former kind we have (1) the two Antonine Itineraries, the basis of which belongs to the time of the emperor Antoninus Caracalla; but the edition which has come down to us dates from the beginning of the 4th century. They contain lists of routes by land and sea in the Roman empire. (2) The Itinerarium Burdigalense or Hierosolymitanum, 333 A.D., the route of a pilgrimage from Burdigala (Bordeaux) to Jerusalem. (3) The Itinerarium Alexandri, an abstract of the Persian expedition of Alexander the Great, drawn up mainly from Arrian for the expedition of the emperor Constantius against the Persians (A.D. 340-345). Of the other kind of itineraries, in the form of maps, we have a specimen in the Peutinger Map, tabula Peutingeriana, now in Vienna. It received its name from its former possessor, Konrad Peutinger, a councillor of Augsburg. It was painted at Kolmar in 1265 on the model of an original map which dates back to the middle of the 3rd century A.D. It consists of twelve broad strips of parchment, on which are delineated all those parts of the world which were known to the Romans: only the pieces which should contain Spain and Britain are lost [with the exception of part of Kent.] It is disproportionately elongated in the direction of east to west, the ratio of its height to its breadth being 1:21. The distances from town to town are marked on lines running from east to west, and the relative sizes of the towns indicated by distinctive marks. [A cheap and excellent facsimile was published by O. Maier of Ravensburg in 1888.]
Type: Standard
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