Amelia Bensch-Schaus


As an undergraduate, I studied Classics at Princeton as well as at Cambridge, where I completed Tripos Part II during my junior year. After receiving my B.A. in 2013, I spent two years abroad teaching Greek, Latin, and English at the high school level. I entered Penn’s PhD program in 2015, and spent 2018-2019 at the ASCSA.

Research Interests: 

My research interests center around Hellenistic poetry, particularly the different ways in which later poets conceptualized their relationship with archaic and classical models. The working title of my dissertation is “The Two Voices of Homer: Balancing the Iliad and the Odyssey in Greek Poetry.” It studies how poets from Aeschylus to Apollonius balance their receptions of these two Homeric poems, specifically they exploit the differences between each poem to open up the Homeric tradition.