Isabelle Schatzker and Elizabeth Minh Vo-Phamhi elected as co-chairs of the Classical Studies Undergraduate Advisory Board for the '21-'22 AY

"I’m really excited to work with Elizabeth this upcoming year and continue to support UAB initiatives alongside the department. We hope we’ll be able to resume in-person events during the 2021-22 school year, but are looking forward to continuing to connect students to the department’s wonderful faculty and resources. Being a part of the UAB has been a great way to meet and get to know other Classical Studies majors/minors and has definitely been one of my favorite experiences at Penn!"


"The Board has been a cherished social home since my first days at Penn and I’ve greatly enjoyed the activities and friendships ever since. This past year saw extraordinary challenges to our Penn communities and in helping to address some of these, I’ve had the opportunity to work closely with undergrads, grad students, and our department on new initiatives which further strengthened our bonds. I look forward to using this momentum to help build our wonderful Penn Classics undergraduate community and resume many of the fun traditional UAB activities to reconnect and reach out to prospective majors/minors. I’m excited to collaborate with Penn Classics friends, old and new, during this next year!"


Congratulations, Isabelle and Elizabeth!