
2022-23 Course List here.

Fall 2024 Semester Course List: here.

About Our Courses

Our department offers courses across a wide range of subject areas and levels, whether you are looking to fulfill a sector or the foreign language requirement, exploring a minor or major in Classical Studies or Ancient History, or completing postbaccalaureate- or graduate-level coursework.

This page presents an overview of course types and rotations. To see what is on offer in the coming semester, search on COURSELEAF PATH using these course-codes: CLST, ANCH, LATN, GREK.

The information below uses Penn’s new 4-digit course-numbers. In this system, courses for undergraduates are numbered 0000–4999, while courses for graduate and postbaccalaureate students are numbered 5000–9999.


First-Year Seminars = CLST/ANCH 0010–0089

These courses for freshmen explore a special topic that is central to the professor’s research. Each seminar also fulfills a Sector. (Old 3-digit numbers: 006, 029, 012, 007, etc.)

Recent first-year seminars include:

  • CLST 0013 Inescapable Classics [Sector III: A&L]
  • CLST 0014 Rome & America [Sector II: H&T]
  • CLST 0017 Private Life and Ancient Rome [Sector II: H&T]
  • CLST 0021 Percy Jackson & Friends [Sector III: A&L]

For coming semesters and the full inventory, search on COURSELEAF PATH.

Foundational Surveys = 0100, 0101, 0102

These three courses offer basic introduction to Greek, Roman, and Near-Eastern history and culture. Students minoring or majoring in Classical Studies or Ancient History are required to take one or two of these surveys. (Old 3-digit numbers: 025, 026, 027)

  • ANCH/CLST 0100 The Ancient Near East (fall) [Sector II: H&T]
  • ANCH/CLST 0101 Ancient Greece (fall, summer) [Sector II: H&T]
  • ANCH/CLST 0102 Ancient Rome (spring, summer) [Sector II: H&T]

Introductory Courses = ANCH/CLST 1100–1999

Each of these courses introduces one general approach to studying Greek, Roman, or Mediterranean cultures. Each course fulfills a Sector, and most courses also fulfill the Cross-Cultural Comparison requirement. (Old 3-digit numbers: 146, 129, 101, 136, 104, 111, 123, 127, 100, 143, 107, 102, 146, etc.)

Regularly offered introductory courses:

  • CLST/ANCH 1100 Ancient Mediterranean Empires [Sector II: H&T]
  • CLST/ANCH 1102 Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire? [Sector II: H&T]
  • CLST 1200 Sex & Gender in Ancient Greece & Rome
  • CLST 1202 The Ancient Economy [Sector IV: Hum&SS]
  • CLST/ANCH 1205 Race & Ethnicity in the Classical World
  • CLST/ANCH 1206 Citizenship, Belonging, & Exclusion in the Roman World
  • CLST 1300 Intro to Mediterranean Archaeology [Sector II: H&T]
  • CLST 1301 Great Discoveries in Archaeology
  • CLST 1303 The Material Past in a Digital World
  • CLST 1500 Greek & Roman Mythology [Sector III: A&L]
  • CLST 1600 Dangerous Books of Greece & Rome [Sector III: A&L]
  • CLST 1601 Ancient Drama [Sector III: A&L]
  • CLST 1700 Classical Traditions [Sector III: A&L]
  • CLST 1701 Scandalous Arts in Ancient and Modern Communities [Sector IV: Hum&SS].
  • [Numbering logic: ANCH/CLST 1100–0189: history: regions and periods, CLST 1200–1289: history: topics, CLST 1300–1389: archaeology, CLST 1400–1489: art, CLST 1500–1589: intellectual culture, CLST 1600–1689: literature, CLST 1700–1789: reception, CLST 1800–1889: miscellaneous, ANCH/CLST 1982–1999: special] 

For coming semesters and the full inventory, search on COURSELEAF PATH.

Topic Seminars = ANCH/CLST 3100–3889

These courses provide an in-depth exploration of a specific topic, usually with a research component. (A few of these courses also count toward specific Penn programs such as Benjamin Franklin Seminars, SNF Paideia, and Academically Based Community Service Courses.) (Old 3-digit numbers: 301, 363, 305, 320, 201, 345, 353, 204, etc. Note: the 3000-level subsumes all courses previously numbered at the 200- as well as 300-level. The 2000-range is not in use within the Classical Studies department.)

Recent topic seminars include:

  • CLST/ANCH 3204 Lies My Ancient History Teacher Told Me
  • CLST/ANCH 3209 Foreigners in Rome
  • CLST 3307 Archaeology of Subalternity
  • CLST 3504 Greek & Roman Magic
  • CLST 3709 Hercules Ancient & Modern
  • CLST 3604 Ancient Epic Poetry [BFS]
  • CLST 3801 Rhetoric & the Community [SNF Paideia]
  • CLST 3805 Classical Studies in Philadelphia Schools [ABCS]
  • [Numbering logic: ANCH 3101–3189: history: regions and periods, CLST 3201–3289: history: topics, CLST 3301–3389: archaeology, CLST 3401–3489: art, CLST 3501–3589: intellectual culture, CLST 3601–3689: literature, CLST 3701–3789: reception, CLST 3801–3889: miscellaneous, ANCH/CLST 3982–3999: special]
  • [Benjamin Franklin Seminars may be crosslisted as: ANCH/CLST 0301–0399]

For coming semesters and the full inventory, search on COURSELEAF PATH.

Senior Research Paper = 4998

This “course” is an independent study taken by students majoring in Classical Studies or Ancient History, for researching and writing an SRP. (Old 3-digit numbers: 398 or 399)

  • CLST/ANCH 4998 Senior Research Paper

Latin and Greek: Introductory and Intermediate = 0100–0400

This four-semester sequence goes from basics to reading-fluency. Students with some prior language study from school may place part way into this sequence (see advice on language placement). (Old 3-digit numbers: 101, 102, 203, 204; 112, 212, etc.)

  • LATN 0100 Elementary Latin I (fall)
  • LATN 0200 Elementary Latin II (spring)
  • LATN 0300 Intermediate Latin Prose (fall) 
  • LATN 0400 Intermediate Latin Poetry (spring) [Foreign Language Requirement]
  • GREK 0100 Elementary Classical Greek I (fall)
  • GREK 0200 Elementary Classical Greek II (spring)
  • GREK 0300 Intermediate Classical Greek Prose (fall)
  • GREK 0400 Intermediate Classical Greek Poetry (spring) [Foreign Language Requirement]
  • [Other course-codes in this category: LATN/GREK 0110 Intensive Introductory; 0310 Intensive Intermediate; 0399 Independent Study in Intermediate]
  • [Modern Greek courses offered through the Penn Language Center: GREK 0180 Elementary Modern Greek I; GREK 0280 Elementary Modern Greek II; GREK 0380 Intermediate Modern Greek I; GREK 0388 Greek for Heritage Speakers I; GREK 0480 Intermediate Modern Greek II; GREK 0488 Greek for Heritage Speakers II; GREK 0588 Advanced Greek for Heritage Speakers]

Latin and Greek: Advanced Topics = LATN/GREK 3000–3999

In each language a different literary topic is offered each semester. Multiple courses may be taken over multiple semesters. Students place into this level from intermediate or in the freshman year if sufficiently advanced. (Old 3-digit numbers: 301, 309, 304,  etc.)

Recent topics in Latin include:

  • LATN 3001 Roman Satire
  • LATN 3205 Medieval Latin
  • LATN 3206 Underworld in Latin Poetry
  • LATN 3207 Writing Women at Rome
  • LATN 3401 Seneca
  • LATN 3801 Latin Prose Composition

Recent topics in Greek include:

  • GREK 3001 Hymnic Poetry
  • GREK 3003 Greek Dialogue
  • GREK 3206 Ancient Ideas of Myth
  • GREK 3401 Herodotus
  • GREK 3601 Demosthenes On the Crown
  • [Numbering logic: 3001– genres, 3201–  themes and periods, 3401– authors, 3601– single works, 3801– miscellaneous]

For coming semesters and the full inventory, search on COURSELEAF PATH.

Special Course Codes

In exceptional circumstances, students will be registered for a course-code that corresponds to, e.g., a study-abroad or transfer-credit course that has no equivalent at Penn, or an independent study with a Penn instructor. (Old 3-digit numbers: 298, 299, 399, etc.)

  • ANCH/CLST 1982 Study Abroad Course (Introductory)
  • ANCH/CLST 3982 Study Abroad Course (Advanced)
  • LATN/GREK 3982 Study Abroad Course in Latin/Greek
  • ANCH/CLST 1992 Transfer Credit Course (Introductory)
  • ANCH/CLST 3992 Transfer Credit Course (Advanced)
  • LATN/GREK 3992 Transfer Credit Course in Latin/Greek
  • ANCH/CLST 1999 Independent Study (Introductory)
  • ANCH/CLST 3999 Independent Study (Advanced)
  • LATN/GREK 0399 Independent Study in Intermediate Latin/Greek
  • LATN/GREK 3999 Independent Study in Advanced Latin/Greek


Multi-Leveled Courses Taken for Graduate Credit = ANCH/CLST/GREK/LATN 5000–5889

Some graduate courses are “multi-leveled” with undergraduate courses. Students can receive graduate credit for these by registering with a 5000-level course code and completing graduate-level assignments. (Old 3-digit numbers: 504, 601, etc.)

Recent multi-leveled courses include:

  • GREK 5003/3003 Greek Dialogue
  • CLST 5317/3317 Archaeology of Subalternity
  • CLST 5805/3805 Classical Studies in Philadelphia Schools
  • LATN 5205/3205 Medieval Latin
  • LATN 5801/3801 Latin Prose Composition
  • [Numbering logic: each 5000-level course-number mimics the course-code of the corresponding undergraduate course in the 3000–3889 number-range.]

For coming semesters and the full inventory, search on COURSELEAF PATH.

Postbaccalaureate Seminars = 5901, 5902

  • CLST 5901 Postbaccalaureate Seminar in Greek (fall, spring)
  • CLST 5902 Postbaccalaureate Seminar in Latin (fall, spring)

Proseminars and Surveys = 6000–6999

These regular courses offer disciplinary introductions and surveys. Each course corresponds to various requirements in the Classical Studies, Ancient History, or AAMW graduate programs. They are open to graduate students in other programs and to advanced undergraduates by permission. (Old 3-digit numbers: 500, 526, 534, 540, 541, etc.)

  • ANCH/CLST 6000 Materials and Methods: Proseminar in Classical Studies and Ancient History (fall)
  • CLST 6300/AAMW 5260 Methods and Materials: Proseminar in Classical Archaeology (fall)

Three courses on regular rotation:

  • ANCH 6101 Problems in Greek History
  • ANCH 6102 Problems in Hellenistic History
  • ANCH 6103 Problems in Roman History

 Four courses on a four-semester rotation:

  • LATN 6600 The Latin Text: Language and Style
  • LATN 6601 Latin Literary History
  • GREK 6600 The Greek Text: Language and Style
  • GREK 6601 Greek Literary History

For specific timing of surveys in coming semesters, search on COURSELEAF PATH.

Research Seminars = 7001–7889

These courses are concerned with in-depth research in a specialized area. (Old 3-digit numbers: 612, 602, 702, etc.)

ANCH/CLST 7001–7889. Recent research seminars include:

  • CLST/ANCH 7102 The Flavian Era
  • ANCH 7202/GREK 7802 Greek Epigraphy
  • CLST/ANCH 7203 Ancient Economies
  • CLST/ANCH 7204 Provincial Perspectives
  • CLST 7708 Black Classicisms
  • [Numbering logic: ANCH/CLST 7101–7189: history: regions and periods, CLST 7201–7289: history: topics, CLST/AAMW 7301–7389: archaeology, CLST/AAMW 7401–7489: art, CLST 7501–7589: intellectual culture, CLST 7601–7689: literature, CLST 7701–7789: reception, CLST 7801–7889: miscellaneous] [Courses in archaeology are regularly cross-listed with AAMW.]

GREK/LATN 7001–7889. Recent research seminars include:

  • LATN 7203 Roman Humor
  • LATN 7204 The Black Aeneid
  • GREK 7201 Troy & Homer
  • GREK 7403 Aristophanes & Lucian
  • [Numbering logic: 7001–7199: genres, 7201–7399: themes and periods, 7401–7599: authors, 7601–7799: single works, 7801–7999: miscellaneous]

For coming semesters and the full inventory, search on COURSELEAF PATH.

Teaching Practicum = 8000

Graduate instructors teaching Latin or Greek for the first time are required to enroll in this course. (Old 3-digit number: 598.]

  • CLST 8000 Language Pedagogy Workshop (fall)

Independent Studies and Thesis- or Dissertation-Work = 9000–9999

These course-numbers are for graduate students working on independent studies, special topics, or thesis- or dissertation-related work. (Old 3-digit numbers: 698, 995, 999, etc.)

  • ANCH/CLST 9000 Dissertation Prospectus Workshop (spring)
  • ANCH/CLST 9900 Master’s Thesis
  • ANCH/CLST 9950 Doctoral Dissertation
  • ANCH/CLST/GREK/LATN 9991 Special Topics Course
  • ANCH/CLST/GREK/LATN 9999 Independent Study