Abigail Worgul

Abigail Worgul received her Bachelor of Arts in Ancient Studies at UMBC in 2016, summa cum laude, where she wrote her Honors Thesis on the Temple of Vesta in the Roman Forum. After a year of German language study, she began her Master of Arts in Ancient Greek Literature at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, in 2018. This  culminated in 2020 in her Masters Thesis on prophecy in the Odyssey, titled "Prophetische Offenbarung: eine Untersuchung der Prophezeiungen der Kirke, des Teiresias und anderer Prophetischen Figuren in der Odyssee." She entered the PhD program at Penn in the same year, where she is also pursuing the Graduate Certificate in Global Medieval Studies. Her academic interests cluster around characterization, reception, myth, divinity, and ancient theater. Outside of the classroom, Abigail enjoys learning to speak Italian and Latin and participating in modern productions of ancient plays.