Alex Purves


Associate Professor of Classics, UCLA

Alex Purves's main area of interest is Greek literature from the archaic and classical periods. Her first book, Space and Time in Ancient Greek Narrative (2010), a study of space and landscape in the early Greek epic and prose tradition, grew out of her Penn dissertation. Her next book, Six Positions in Homer, approaches the Homeric poems through a series of focused readings of particular somatic positions and actions. She is also interested in the ancient senses: she is co-editor of Synaesthesia and the Ancient Senses with Shane Butler (2013) and is currently editing Touch and the Ancient Senses, both for the series "The Senese in Antiquity." Among the honors she has received are a junior fellowship at the Center for Hellenic Studies in Washington D.C. and an American Council of Learned Societies fellowship (2005–2006), and a National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend (2004).


PhD in Classical Studies, 2002