Eric Casey’s teaching and rersearch focus on Greek cultural history and Latin literature and poetics. He has published on strategies of commemoration in ancient Greek funerary inscriptions and the threshold between the living and the dead. He has articles on the Great Library at Alexandria, connections between ancient Greek mystery cults and the Freemasons, and the cultural circumstances surrounding Zeno’s founding of the Stoic school. He is also working on a follow-up to the Alexandrian Library article, this time focusing more on the impulse to collect texts and territory in antiquity.
Professor Casey won Sweet Briar’s Excellence in Teaching Award in 2005–2006 and again in 2012–2013. This award is voted on by the entire student body each year. In January of 2008, he won the American Philological Association’s award for Excellence in Teaching at the College Level.
PhD in Classical Studies, 1996