Scheherazade Khan


Scheherazade attended the University of Richmond on a full-tuition merit scholarship, earning a B.S. in Biology and a B.A. in Classics, both summa cum laude. She was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa and enrolled in the PhD program in Classical Studies the same year. She is a generalist with wide-ranging interests, but is consistently drawn to media-studies-type questions that pertain to aesthetics, genre, theories of representation and the relationship between species of representation and between representation and reality. Other, interrelated interests include comic literature (especially parody), Plato, second sophistic/post-classical literature (especially Lucian and Philostratus), reception studies, works of natural history (especially Pliny the Elder), all things pertaining to dreams, and anything and everything about Dionysus. She is currently completing a dissertation entitled “Actualized Mimesis” under the supervision of Dr. Ralph Rosen.