Past Events

Department Colloquium: Joseph Medeiros (Performer) "The Odyssey: Beginnings; a performance of Homer in Greek"

Joseph Medeiros, Broadway and Off-Broadway Actor
Apr 18, 2024 at -

*4:15-4:45 pm: Coffee and cookies in Cohen Hall 2nd Floor Lounge. All are welcome.

Department Colloquium: Sara Myers (UVA) “Bodies and Boundaries: Narrative Patterns in Ovid’s Italian Rape Myths”

Sara Myers, Professor of Classics, University of Virginia
Apr 11, 2024 at -

*4:15-4:45 pm: Coffee and cookies in Cohen Hall 2nd Floor Lounge. All are welcome.

Past Events The Penn Public Lectures on Classical Antiquity and the Contemporary World Department Colloquium: John Bodel (Brown) "Roman teamsters: muliones (muleteers) and the (dis)organization of land transport in the Roman empire"

John Bodel, W. Duncan MacMillan II Professor of Classics, Brown University
Apr 4, 2024 at -

*4:15-4:45 pm: Coffee and cookies in Cohen Hall 2nd Floor Lounge. All are welcome.

Kate Meng Brassel moderates a discussion between Jhumpa Lahiri and Ramie Targoff on "Reception, Tradition, and Translation"

Mar 5, 2024 at -

Kate Meng Brassel moderates a discussion between Jhumpa Lahiri and Ramie Targoff on "Reception, Tradition, and Translation" hosted by the US Ambassador at the Villa Taverna in Rome.

Emily Wilson will give Lecture III: "The Wisdom of Stories" as part of the Gennadius Library's 2023-24 Thalia Potamianos Lecture Series

Emily Wilson
May 8, 2024 at -

Register for in person ticket here or livestream on YouTube Read More

Department Colloquium: Maghan Keita (Villanova) "Black Athena/Black Athenians"

Mar 28, 2024 at -

Speaker: Dr. Maghan Keita, Professor of History and… Read More

Department Colloquium: Ralph Rosen (Penn) "Ps.-Longinus on Comedy and the Sublime"

Mar 21, 2024 at -

Speaker: Ralph Rosen, Vartan Gregorian Professor of the Humanities and Professor of Classical Studies at the Univeristy of Pennsylvania

Hyde Lecture Lin Foxhall (University of Liverpool): "Political regimes and the rural economies of ancient Greece"

Mar 14, 2024 at -

Every spring, the Graduate Group in Ancient History hosts a week-long visit by a distinguished ancient historian, made possible by a gift by Walter Woodburn Hyde (1870-1966, Professor of Greek and Ancient History at… Read More

Department Colloquium: Rocco Palermo (Bryn Mawr) "The Making and Development of Imperial Landscapes in Mesopotamia. The View from the Erbil Plain in North Iraq"

Feb 22, 2024 at -

Speaker: Rocco Palermo, Assistant Professor of Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology, Bryn Mawr College

Department Colloquium: Kim Bowes (Penn) "Wage, slavery"

Feb 15, 2024 at -

Speaker: Kim Bowes, Professor of Classical Studies, University of Pennsylvania

Abstract: Most people today… Read More